
What is Boys?


an animal that can talk

I wish boys would just stop talking and stand there and look hot.


A male under the age of eighteen.

A child under age 18


The male gender. The smartest human in the world, but also the dumbest. Females are just balanced. Humans have 2 hemispheres in the brain, girls use both hemishperes which makes them do multi-task things, men can use only one hemisphere more than the other, which makes them a deeper thinker (ever wonder why most philosiphers are men?).

There is a difference between a man and a boy.

BOYS= try to be "gangsta", takes pix of puckering their lips to try to be sexy, dogs the camera to look hard, follows INCENTIVES, gets into relationships for sex because they think its too hard to get girls and being single at the same time, boys who say they are men are jerks, but there are boys who are just boys because they're young.

MEN= treats women as god's creations, not as sex objects, sticks up for those who can't stick up for themselves, don't get into fight because somebody dogged them, don't get into fights because of stupid rumors, uses their strength to protect their wife and children, fights injustice and racism.

BOYS follow incentives.

If you date a boy while he's still a boy, guess what?

He'll stay a boy. This is because you REWARD HIM

before he has a chance to grow up.

BUT if you make a boy WAIT and become a MAN before

he can date you, this will eliminate the odds of you dating a jerk!

Believe it or NOT, guys who are made to WAIT are far more likely

to be faithful to you, than the average guy!

See girls, sex, gender, men


your crew , posse, homies. your set of mates your real tightwith.

me and the "boys" were rolling deepthe other night at the club.


Boys are things that break your heart in two, and you can never really repair the damage they did to you.

He broke my heart, the useless jack@$$!


an emotion associated with depression, irritation, rage, withdrawal, and sometimes genocidal tendencies.


Commonly called "the boys" - refers to one's testicles.

I haven't showered for three days, so basically the boys are ripe.

See ian


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