Brap Brap

What is Brap Brap?


These words are examples of primitive onomatopoeia used by Chavs or the like, when making noises like guns.

Apparantly "brap brap" sounds like two rounds being fired. However i think not.

Harry the Chink (whilst in Miniman's Corsa SXI: "Brap Brap i drive by dat nigga"

Crazy Joe: "Shut your gob you stinky Chink!

See Crazy Joe


Another name for a dirtbike, snowmobile, quad, or any toy with a small displacement engine. Also can be used with any number of a's to describe the sound of one of these toys in uses...

Expl.1) Hey bro, go grab your brap brap and let's go to the gravel pit and ride!!!!!

Expl.2) He came around that corner before the triple and he was like "brap brap braaaaaaaaaaaap!"

See dirtbike, brap, braaap, braap, snowmobile, quad


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