
What is Brbrb?


be right back ripping bong

A: hey

B: haiiiiiii

A: how ya doin there chief?

B: swell, just swell

A: you're gay, brbrb

B: omggg you're so lucky i wish i could suck on some bong

See bong, sesh, blazing, be right back, brb


be right back rolling blunt or be right back roasting bowls

A: yo nigguh whatup let's go get some fried chicken

B: yo i hear you, we gotta blaze before the bucket uh wings though son

A: word let me get the dutch, brbrb

See bowl, blunt, brb, be right back, fried chicken


Be Right Back ReBoot

<Linkin> argh my computer is acting up

<Kon> Try restarting

<Linkin> alright brbrb

See brb, reboot, be right back, afk, bbl, bbs, bbiab


When in Instant messaging you or your friends brb's while the other person in on brb

Person one: Brb

Person two: Okay

Person two: Brb

Person one: Back , and okay

^ brbrb

See brb, be, right, back, msn


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