
What is Brigitte?


Holders of the name are usually, if not always, sweet, generous, pleasant, kind, intelligent, wise, compassionate and adorable.

Brigitte is the best girl in the whole wide world.

If you have Brigitte as a friend, you're the luckiest person ever.

See brigitte, friend, girl, nice, name, sweet


A female name

Often spelled Bridget.

That girl's name is Brigitte.

See brigitte, bridget, brigette, b, names


There are two types of Brigittes:

1.Usually a huge slut with very few friends. She also runs her own buisness of prostitution. Mostly know as Quicky, but it varies from town to town.

2. Huge female with hair covering her body. They can grow up to 6'4 and weigh up to 400 pounds. They like raw meat in penis like form. They sometimes associate with the mofia.

Girl 1: Look, it's a huge ball of fur.

Girl 2: It's either a Brigitte or a sasquatch.

See brigitte, sasquatch, quicky, bridget, slut


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