What is British Beef?
1) Beef from the United Kingdom, which was illegally barred from France.
2) Powerful, British cars from any British car company that makes luxury or speedy cars. Examples would be
British beef tends to be hand built violence from renowned companies. Unlike the lame
My 6.0 Litres of British Beef
xjs tore that old queer in thevette a new arsehole.
NON! vee vill not mange you beef! We eat fwoggeeez!
Namely TVR, seeing as the rest of the world has bought our beloved motor industry, it being the greatest in the world. Despite their reputation for uneconomical sports cars which are a touch unreliable, they produced the cerbera speed 12, capable of 240mph. I believe that rapes everything American, and anything french.
''Oh hell no son, my dinosaur V8 was ripped to pieces by that Silver flash that went by, it must have been a TVR''
''Ve are ze french, ve vill stick to our renault 5, no? va va voom thierry henry you talentless git''
what is left in the seat by a jaguar owner after a corvette passes him
oh no i left some british beef in my jag seat after that corvette beat me