
What is Qywci?


particularaly nasty dropper trojan (virus, drops viruses into program files on your computer, so it don't run normally)

good thing is it doesnt multiply (:

but it's really nasty to get rid of :(

Bob: hey guess what?

Bill: hang on a minute, just got a qywci

Bob: was' that?

Bill: dunno, virus :/

See virus, twatty, annoying, qwerty


particularaly nasty dropper trojan (virus, drops viruses into program files on your computer, so it don't run normally)

good thing is it doesnt multiply (:

but it's really nasty to get rid of :(

Bob: hey guess what?

Bill: hang on a minute, just got a qywci

Bob: was' that?

Bill: dunno, virus :/

See virus, twatty, annoying, qwerty


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