
What is Broderism?


The worship of bipartisanship for its own sake, combined with a fake "pox on both their houses" attitude. The main goal is the establishment of a permanent ruling class of Washington insiders, our betters who know better. It is their rough agenda which is sold as "centrism" even when it has no actual relationship with the political center in a meaningful way. The establishment of an aristocratic class in America.

The belief that it all sides are equal and must compromise at all times. Regardless of the final outcome or the level of understanding or intelligence presented by each side.

Mark Foley had a bad relationship with pages; Sen. Vitter has visited Prositutes in New Orleans and Washington; Sen Craig tried to proposition an undercover officer; Newt Gingrich had multiple afairs; Duke Cunningham was bribed with Prostitutes; but William Jefferson had money in his fridge so both sides are clearly evil.

Wow, that's quite a Broderism.

See compromise, insanity, sanity


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