Brown Bagger

What is Brown Bagger?


Another term for butterface (see definition) where the chick is hot except that if her face were a weapon, it would be a harmful one (she's ugly) but you are drunk and she has a nice body, and you want some 'nanny, so you put a bag over her's the degrading trade off we give women for allowing them to vote.

Skillet be real, no deal, you gotta shred that cheddar man, they all up on you!


A woman with a fine ass body but an ugly face. But hey, that's nothing a brown bag can't handle.

"girl you're a brown bagger, you ugly as hell, but I would still hit that if you put a brown bag on your head."

See brown bagger, fugly, brown bag, ugly


Someone drinking liquor from a bottle in a brown paper bag. Usually in the street in the unposh parts of town.

Ten brown baggers sitting on the wall. If one brown bagger etc.

See drunk, lush, and, other, such


A married Marine

"That new Marine is a brown bagger with kids at home."

See brownbagger, brown-bagger, marine


When you fuck a guy up the ass who hasnt cleaned out his hole and the condom comes out with poo on it.

I fucked that guy last night but he was a brown bagger - ick!

See shitty hole, hershey highway, poop shooter, ass clown


A person who goes to restraunts or other people's houses to have diarrea. This is a frequent occurance, and often without exchange of pleasentries.

person 1: Yo homes you be brown baggin!

brown bagger: ...

See poop, crap, feces, people


a white woman who likes licking the cream off the balls of black men for lunch.

Michelle used to be cool, but now she's a brown bagger.

See skank


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