
What is Bugger?


Technically means to sodomize, but most people use the word in a variety of situations, often without realizing the true meaning.

It is often considered these days to be more acceptable that the word 'fuck' (as long as you are not in the presence of anyone old enough to remember the actual meaning).

BUGGER! (when something goes wrong.)

Bugger-me! ('Well I'll be damned..')

Bugger THAT! (When you can't be bothered doing something.)

That bugger stole my Holden! (used to refer to a person in a derogatory manner.)

I decided to let the bugger enjoy it. (used in reference to a friend or someone you feel sorry for.)

I must've buggered that question.. (messed up)

Bugger-off! ('Get lost!')



Australian, derived from buggering, which means anal intercourse. Now mostly used as a slang word as an exclamation of surprise or discontent. May be used to refer to a creature or human.

Discontent: Well I'll be buggered!, Disappointment: Oh bugger me, Referal to friend or colleague: The stupid bugger, Anal sex: Oh he buggered me all night

See Scott


An exclamation to a really bad occurence

Oh bugger, I got my nose caught in the toaster again


To sodomize someone.

There once was a man from Belair

Who tried to bugger a bear.

But the beast was a brute

Who struck out at his root

Leaving nothing but testes and hair.


N. A person or animal, often a small one, such as a child or small pet. Frequently prefaced by "little."

American slang (particularly rural), not to be confused with the British cuss word.

He's a cute little bugger.

She's a tough little bugger.

See person, guy, gal, kid, child, creature, thing


British slang.

<i>vb.</i> the act of committing sodomy

<i>n.</i> person who commits sodmoy (n.), ie. has anal intercourse.

It is generally used about an annoying person or situation.

Bugger off (get lost).

Stop buggering me.

My boss is a bugger and a half.

Oh bugger (something went wrong).

See Tom


A variety of meanings.

1) To show annoyance

2) To sodomize

3) The aftermath of sodomization

4) To show a lack of interest

1) Bugger it.

2) Bugger me

3) I'm buggered

4) I cant be buggered to.

See Alex


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