What is Bugger?
Technically means to
It is often considered these days to be more acceptable that the word '
BUGGER! (when something goes wrong.)
Bugger-me! ('Well I'll be damned..')
Bugger THAT! (When you can't be bothered doing something.)
That bugger stole my
Holden ! (used to refer to a person in a derogatory manner.)
I decided to let the bugger enjoy it. (used in reference to a friend or someone you feel sorry for.)
I must've buggered that question.. (messed up)
Bugger-off! ('Get lost!')
Australian, derived from buggering, which means anal intercourse. Now mostly used as a slang word as an exclamation of surprise or discontent. May be used to refer to a creature or human.
Discontent: Well I'll be buggered!, Disappointment: Oh bugger me, Referal to friend or colleague: The stupid bugger, Anal sex: Oh he buggered me all night
An exclamation to a really bad occurence
Oh bugger, I got my nose caught in the toaster again
To sodomize someone.
There once was a man from Belair
Who tried to bugger a bear.
But the beast was a brute
Who struck out at his root
Leaving nothing but testes and hair.
N. A person or animal, often a small one, such as a child or small pet. Frequently prefaced by "little."
American slang (particularly rural), not to be confused with the British cuss word.
He's a cute little bugger.
She's a tough little bugger.
British slang.
<i>vb.</i> the act of committing sodomy
<i>n.</i> person who commits sodmoy (n.), ie. has anal intercourse.
It is generally used about an annoying person or situation.
Bugger off (get lost).
Stop buggering me.
My boss is a bugger and a half.
Oh bugger (something went wrong).
A variety of meanings.
1) To show annoyance
2) To sodomize
3) The aftermath of sodomization
4) To show a lack of interest
1) Bugger it.
2) Bugger me
3) I'm buggered
4) I cant be buggered to.