Burnt Out

What is Burnt Out?


a) The stupid or unmotivated feeling one sometimes gets after they come down from a marijuana high.

b) The constant stupid or unmotivated attitude of a heavy pot smoker. A true pothead is always in a state of being burnt out regardless of whether or not they had smoked in the past 48 hours.

See also: burn out

a) "Man I smoked so much reefer earlier today and now I'm burnt out and don't feel like doing shit."

b) 1: "Why does that kid skip class so often and get such shitty grades"

2: "He's totally burnt out dude"

1: "Oh ok that explains it.

See Vonk


The state of mind that follows the 2-4 hour stonedperiod. It usually only occurs after smoking a great quantity of weed. A burn out can last a long time - typically 7 to 12 hours after coming down from the high. The burnt out state of mind is characterized by an intense exhaustion, the inability to focus, a general mental dullness, the slight slurring of words, and a sensory numbness.

Being burnt out and being stoned are two very different feelings. While the "high" state typically involves a distorted perception of time, an acuity of senses, minor paranoia, and the tendency to stare, the burnt out state has none of these qualities.

Also known as a weed-over.

I can't solve this physics problem - I'm so burnt out, all I want to do is take a nap.

See weedover, burned out, high, stoned, burnt, burned


Being absolutely dead-on-your-feet-tired

When you are awake only because of the loudness of the music and an IV of Caffiene

I only got 30 minutes of sleep before I went to work and killed 3 buddies in a gas-leak explosion, and I'm only awake now cause...zzzzzzz....huh?

See Kelso


While smoking pot, the incapability of smoking anymore.

"No more man, i'm too burnt out to smoke that joint."

See marijuana, pot, smoke, light up, reefer


a person who has no lagitimate reason for living. They are not helping society or themselves. They take what god has givin them and abuse and misuse it.

That burnt out crack head is down the street blowin my homeboy.

See lana


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