
What is Butting?


to go infront of someone without asking while in a line

hey stop butting me!

he butt infront of me in line.

See push, rude, butt, budge, move


The act of seeking out to locate cigarette butts for the purpose of smoking them.

I can't afford a pack of cigarettes. I should quit, but It's easier to smoke some garbage. I'm going butting.

See budding, randy-andy, randy-juli'andy, ashtray, The Jayson


Similar to 'cutting' but while cutting in line is to take a spot ahead, 'butting in' is moving someone to take that spot.

There's no chance of keeping her back when she's butting in up front for a better view.

We were gathered around for a private conversation but someone butted in and overheard the whole thing.

See butting, cutting, butted, in, line


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