
What is Cahill?


the most kickass of irish clans. anyone who disagrees is just jealous of our inherant uber sweetness. as we all know, the irish were responsible for the greatest civilaztion before they invented beer (family guy). the cahills were at the top of this civilization, and ironically played a large part in their own downfall through large contributions to the development of alcoholic beverages.


Used as a curse or exclamation. Especially interchangeable with bitch, cunt, shit, fuck in the exclamation from, usually used in combination with another curse word in the curse from." - obviously just jealous of our awesomeness.

"you wish you were a cahill"

See best, awesome, irish sausage


Irish clan-the symbol is the whale. Cahill is a name of Irish origin. It is the anglicized version of the Gaelic "O'Cathal" meaning "descendant of Cathal." "O'Cathal" consists of two parts: "cad" means battle and "valos" means mighty or powerful. can also mean "powerful in a battle" and can even be interpreted as "powerful in a battle of wits" WE BE SKANKIN....BETCH.

POWNED. by a cahill

See ireland, irish, beer, clan, whale, power


Used as a curse or exclamation. Especially interchangeable with bitch, cunt, shit, fuck in the exclamation from, usually used in combination with another curse word in the curse from.

curse: ahh you bit me! you fucking cahill!

exclamation: what the cahill?

combination: cahill! some son of a cahill at all the cheese.

See swaf


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