
What is Can't?


1) the act of not being able to complete a given task.

2) the act of not being allowed to do something.


"I can't get it up."

"You can't do eeeeeeeeet!"


"You can't have sexual relations with the Olsen twins in this state. They're only 17."

"Here, smoke these drugs. NOW!"

"I can't. You're a cop, and we all know it!"

See Nick D


the indoctrinated sense of inability due to the mankeeping one down through the use of the establishment

"We can't have a peaceful, loving society, we have to fear the terrorists"

See shouldn't


There is no such word as can't

So why are you looking for it you jemper!! Which is a real word.

This information was provided by a Ruby Wax double so can not be taken as 100 percent correct.

There are no examples because it isn't a word!!


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