What is Cao Ni Ma?
In Mandarin (Chinese for you ignorants) means "fuck your mom" word for word. Very commonly used, Cao can be used as a stand-alone word for fuck. Cao ni ma is most commonly used in Beijing taxis to aid one in reachign their destination.
"Cao ni ma de bi, yi zhi zou, sha bi" -fuck your mother's cunt, go straight you dumb cunt
literally "Grass Mud Horse" in Chinese, the Cao Ni Ma is a rare species of alpaca. The Grass Mud Horse is said to be the dominant species which lives within the Mahler Gobi Desert (Ma Le Ge Bi).
Variants include the Lush Grass Mud Horse (Wo Cao Ni Ma), which can only eat fertile grass, known as Wo Cao.
Cao Ni Ma 's, or "fuck your mother" in Chinese, inhabit the Mahler Gobi Desert, or "your mother's cunt"
the Lush Grass Mud Horse variant, or "I fucked your mother", eats only fertile grass, or "I fuck"