Captain Save A Ho

What is Captain Save A Ho?


E-40 the rap artist coined the phrase captain save a ho.

Where a guy will take care of a goldigger. pay for everything. pay for goldie to get her nails done, hair done, get a cellular hooked up. the guy will be a sucker for the girl and take care of paying for her kids. He will come to the girls rescue like a superhero in attempt to get some play. Dine her and she will take advantage of him. he would actually say I will save a ho baby I am here for you.

Make captain save a ho take care of your kids. make your kids his. it is all part of that take care of me like a superhero with an S on the chest, When I call on the cellular you hooked up, come and save me.

See captain, save a ho, s, capn, savaho, sava


Any sucka that takes a ho'ish woman and trys to change her life around. Trys to turn a ho into a housewife.

Man what's up with that nigga falling in love with that same bitch we ran train on? He aint nothing but a Captain save a ho.

See ho, captain, sucka, fool


a male who is always coming to the defense of a female wether she is right or wrong, pretty or ugly. Would say the moon is made of cheese if the female wanted him to.

"it was such an ENIGMA to see homey coming to that hoz defense when she said salt tastes sweet"

"yeah man, wat a captain save a ho"


See captain kirk, sugar daddy, herb, whipped


Anyone who will buy jewlery, or spend money on a ho, just to get the pussy. A punk ass biatch who aint got no game.

It seems like everyone i see these days ain't nuthin but a cptain save a ho.


The new generation Prince Charming from the fairytale books. Someone who specializes in making expensive whores out of regular women.

Something Trick Daddy would call Puff Daddy.

Donald Trump is a Captain Save a Ho. His wife looks like she has a plastic number 5 stuck in her ass, or she might just be waiting for the check to clear.

See anon


Everyone has one of these friends: Guy or girl who "calls dibs" on attractive people they don't know so that you, their friend, can't flirt with that person.

When you walk in to the bar he (the Captain Save a ho) says "I like that girl over there" which essentially means "she's mine, you can't talk to her because I might get the courage to talk to her once I'm drunk" He's "savin the ho."

See cockblock


a guy who trys protecting a ho in a chat room by standing up for her, by supposedly saving her from everyone else calling her names

Everyone was picking on cuddly jen when chad came in and started being her captain save a ho.

See Girl


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