
What is Carmex?


an old fashioned cold-sore balm that retails for $1.29 and comes in a yellow container.

My lips are so chapped. I shall go purchase some Carmex creme and then use to to unchap my lips.


The best chapstick brand known to man, it also relives cold sores. For fun it can be squirted very far and looks very cool when done right.

"Mike R. won't stop putting on the freaking carmex, he's in love"

"Dude at recess I threw carmex at Joanna and it looked like some one had given her a spiderman"


A really good Chapstick

I love this carmex, it's the best chapstick around!

See lips, chapped, weed, wingle


A highly addictive chap stick. The crack cocaine of lip balms. The good stuff.

Where the fuck is my carmex?

See crack, addict, chapped lips, lubricant


something that is sweet to put on your eyelids and feels really cool

dude i was drunk last night and i put carmex on my eyelids, it was awesome


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