
What is Catheads?


a cheap,inferior,trademark copy, of popular gym shoes, sneakers,running shoes,etc...

In the 70's (back in the day..) Adidas were the rage, they had/have three stripes, they were cool....JC Penney marketed look alike models that had 4 stripes!!! Those ugly frickin, cheap ass shoes were "Catheads"!

See catheads, cheapass, sneakers, keds, kmart


Inexpensive baking powder biscuits, sold in a tube in the refrigerated section. You have to rap the tube hard against the corner of a counter top to open them up, then separate them and put them on a cookie sheet. Bake them for 10 or 15 minutes, then put some butter & jam on them and eat 'em. Cheap stomach fillers.

Hey, pass me a couple of those catheads . . .

See biscuits, buttermilk biscuits, cat heads


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