
What is Cathy?


The act of being extremely interesting, smart, cool, athletic, and just about every positive thing that a person can be.

Wow you were so Cathy!

I wish I were as Cathy as you!

Man you are so Cathy. If I were that Cathy I'd probably would have a pretty Cathy life!

See cool, amazing, cathy, great, athletic


code name for cocaine, but personifies the word.

yo guys, lets hang out with cathy tonight

hey where's cathy

that bitch cathy is amazing


The art of inflicting extreme, premeditated sarcasm upon another. If they bite, they have been Cathy'd.

Setting: DMV... the electronic voice comes on. "Now serving G125 at window number 11..."

Person A : "Man, I wonder how much that lady gets paid to call out numbers all day... "

Person B: "Oh no, that's not a real person... that's an electronic voice."

Person A: "Cathy"

See sarcasm, worked, punked, owned, joke, sarcastic, tricked, gullable, dumb, retarded, easy, naive, nelson


A catholic person. Word used by non-catholic people.

" Dude, she had to go to church the little cathy.

See catholic, atheist, jew, hindu, islam, muslim, religion


the name for the corpse used in necrophilia porn films.

man1 -"hey dude, you got the cathy?"

man 2 -"yeah sure, you got the camera?"

man 1 -"right here."

man 2 -"lets do this thing"

See porn, corpse, dead, sex, cathy


Someone who endures through life having to carry a large weight on her shoulders. This is due to the extremities of possessing such an emphatical head piece, otherwise known as a meathead.

Hey look at that meathead, what a Cathy!

See cathy, meathead, joker, jokes, laughing, smoosh


A phrase used to describe a homely fat girl, with an addiction to cookies, cakes and candy, and owns a ridiculous amount of cats.

Oh my god, she is such a Fat Cathy.

See fat, cat lady, homely, addict, spinster, Redneck Girl


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