What is Centipede?
1) A multi-legged insect similar to a milipede.
2) An addictive arcade game from the 1980's.
3) Creatures that inhabit vaginas, making them uninviting according to the joke from the neglected Old Man Murray web page.
Women have centipedes in their vaginas!
This is an activity between a man and a woman that starts with a
In a work environment, when discussing the centipede, it may be crucial to use the lesser known term "arthropod".
"Hey, how did your date with Jen go last night?"
An awsome multi-legged creature that most people hate for no logical reasoning. There are well over 3,000 species of centipedes in this world, many of which can grow well over a foot and a half in length. Centipedes are the companions of the elite. Any amature trying to handle a centipede will probably get bit; they'll probably deserve it too.
I have a pet centipede. He is better than you, and your children.
A crazied alter ego of both spirit and
Centipede was killed by a vechicle