Chace Crawford

What is Chace Crawford?


Chace Crawford is one of the stars of "Gossip Girl", on the CW Network. He plays Nate Archibald, the upper east side lacrosse player who has flings with Blair, Serena, and Jenny.

He was born in Lubbock, Texas, on July 18th, 1985. Before starring in "Gossip Girl", he also appeared in the film "The Covenant", released in 2006. He's rumored to be dating American Idol alum Carrie Underwood.

He's ridiculously hot, and the reason that some people watch the show.

Girl 1: "Oh my god, do you watch Gossip Girl?"

Girl 2: "Duh, Chace Crawford..."

See gossip girl, actor, hot, upper east side


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