
What is Chache?


Your pisan, neega, buddy, amigo, hermano...

hey chache - wassup?

See arnold


A dude who wears way-overpriced lounge or sports clothes (rip-aways) or Hugo Boss, but works as a janitor, is from another country and is dark in complexion, who looks greasy and who is always trying to look cool (thinly-masked insecurity). An underling who struggles to adjust to the culture he is in. Sometimes, a young Hispanic or Albanian male, who usually brags about his organized-crime-family connections, his sexual conquests, and his car with repetition to the annoyance of the listener, typically in a fake-italian accent, trying to present himself as a 'Godfather' type.

Typically dates chache girls, whose tits and ass drape over her too-small clothes and beg for you to peer, and has lots of fake hair, nails; not a natural beauty; a cheap tart.

From "Happy Days", the characters Joni and Chache.

That guy is such a chache! Did you see the way he was starring at that girl's butt, cat-calling and making annoying whistling sounds and pig-dog grunts? Look at his black & white loungewear, what a fucking chache!

That chache is masturbating his car again.

See latino, albanian, stupid, foreigner, loser


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