Chate Bitch

What is Chate Bitch?


someone who you really dont like, a term you use to put down another person. Also a term people use after they drive by water gun and water balloon innocent walkers on the street.

When you yell it, say bitch in a higher voice, then as you begin to say ess lower your voice eventually raising it back to the bitch part: CHATE BITCHeeeessssSSSS.

(slow down at side of road) Brendan:hey guys do you know where chiniqua lives?

Gangster: nah man, sorry

(water gun put up to window and sprayed at gangster)



A female who does not want to perform sexual acts with you.

A female or man with bitch like qualities who is also a chate ass.

She did'nt want to suck my dick, what a chate bitch.

Chate bitch did'nt want to fuck.

See chate, bitch, cock tease, wanna-be whore, the buzz


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