Chatham Girls

What is Chatham Girls?


Slutty, bitchy, and in need of a good smack in the face. Chatham girls rove in packs, consuming all people who may get in their way through whatever means possible. They can be found bitching at others, consuming raw flesh, wearing pink, blue, white, or black North Face jackets, sucking cock, and of course are easily recognized by the growths protruding from each side of their head, often know as iPod headphones, and the festering trail of herpes and cash they leave behind wherever they slither.

See Chatham.

Look, a Chatham Girl! Quick, get the camera!

No, her head is still partially visible out of her ass. She must be from Madison.

See Therapist


Wear the biggest solid gold (usually fake gold) earrings they can find, rip off nike or other well known brand tracksuits, r usually pregnant and already hav a 2 year old in a buggy, almost every finger has at least 1 ring on it, side pony tail, gelled back as flat as pos n go about shoutin their gobs off in the most irritating voice pos

1:usual catch phrase "oi luvva! u gonna buy me some gold?!"

2: go chatham and dat will be enough said


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