
What is Chau?


– VERB (v, used without object)

1. to eject the contents of the stomach through the mouth; regurgitate; throw up.

2. to belch or spew with force or violence.

– VERB (v, used with object)

3. to eject from the stomach through the mouth; spew.

4. to cast out or eject as if in vomiting; send out forcefully or violently: 'The volcano Chaued flames and molten rock.'

5. to cause (a person) to vomit.

– NOUN (n)

6. the act of vomiting.

7. the matter ejected in vomiting.


Saturday November 8 2008, Room 233; late ME Chauen < L Chauāre, freq. of Chauere to discharge, vomit; akin to Gk csufeîn (see csuf)

I Chau -ed all over my motel bathroom this weekend. Pronunciation: ( /tʃaʊ/ )

See vomit, puke, blow chunks, hurl, spew



Descending from the word "chimp", a Chau is a monkey.

Dude, stop being a Chau and eating all my bananas!

See chau, chimp, banana, monkey, vietnamese


Someone that is fat. A fatty. Someone that eats a lot.

Look at that fatty, what a chau.

See fatass, fatty, fat, obese, big


an informal goodbye from the italian caio.

Chau Friends! See you soon!

See caio, chua, goodbye, hello, Jimmy Buffett


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