
What is Chavspeak?


Chavspeak is one word to describe the language that is spoken by the subhuman Chav race. It is hard to understand especially when spoken fast as in rap music songs, or a show of anger. A visitor to the UK should learn this language for thier own safety.

example of the chavspeak language

Chav: "'Ay check out da f**king goff, trash im!"

Goth: "Go away,scumbag!"

Chav: "Oi y'startin, y'startin, I'll spark ya'out cold!"

*Goth grabs the bling round the offender's neck*

Chav: " f..fking gerroff, y'killin mi!"

*Chav collapses half dead in some mud and the Goth walks away.*

See chavish, chav, charver, ned, scally


The twisted version of english spoken by chavs--

English = Chavlish

emo = emo

scene kid = emo

goth = goff

metalhead = mosha

skater = grunja

trainers = creps

men = mandem

thankyou = safe

hello = oright?

my friends = me crew

i will beat you up = ima bang u out dick'ed

i agree, yes, no, (any affirmative response) = init

these are just a few translations, there are thousands more

* chavspeak in action *

chav1: orite blud

chav2: orite

chav3: oi, wanna fag

chav4: safe

*goth walks past*

chav1: oi goff, go put makeup on and worship the devil init

goth: (alone) pardon?

chav2: ya startin mayte, me and me crew gonna bang u out blud so jog on

Goth:*walks towards chavs*

chav3: LEG IT!!!

See chav, language, chavspeak, britain, scum


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