
What is Chavwagon?


An automobile typically used for the transportation of chavs. Often Ford Fiesta five seater cars with seven pregnant chavs sitting in the back and two pot-smoking chavs holding cans of Special Brew in the front.

The DVLA only grants "chavwagon" status to a vehicle if it complies with the following requirements:

- The exhaust pipe must be fitted with a fake exhaust cap to make the vehicle sound like it has flatulence problems.

- The vehicle must have a child seat in the front passenger seat with the head against the seat with malfunctioning seatbelt.

- The petrol cap must be missing.

- Each wheel must have cheap alloy material typically purchased from eBay or Del-boy.

- At least one of the car's wing mirrors must be smashed, cracked or preferably missing.

- Tyre pressures must be capable of witholding at minimum five chavs, their mothers and their "loot".

- Whilst in operation, all passengers must wear baseball caps at a 45 degree angle. Strict fines are in place for drivers of chavmobiles not wearing necessary head gear.

- Chavwagons MUST NOT under any circumstances hold valid insurance or a full MOT certificate.

- Taxation discs must be scrumpled up as to hide the actual expiry date; thus creating confusion for DVLA vans and traffic wardens.

Darren: "Shit, I've got to pick up my missus from school and go to probation by six o'clock."

Lisa: "Use the chavwagon, like..."

Darren: "Mint."

See chav, wagon, loot


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