Chelsea Special

What is Chelsea Special?


A steaming pile induced by alcohol and thai food. The result is very messy and requires numerous sprays of air freshener to mask its odor. Basking in the aroma of ones own chelsea special for a prolonged period of time may be hazardous to your health. It is recomended never to combine a chelsea special with a hot shower. If this mistake is made, simply saturate with tomato paste. Early symptoms of chelsea special may include rank seepage and/or sprayage and stomach agony.

Dude, I feel a chelsea special approaching!

I have a feeling this chelsea special is going to be extra DIRT!

See dirt squirrel, deuce, dump truck, word


A steaming pile induced by alcohol and thai food. The result is very messy and requires numerous sprays of air freshener to mask its odor. Basking in the aroma of ones own chelsea special for a prolonged period of time may be hazardous to your health. It is recomended never to combine a chelsea special with a hot shower. If this mistake is made, simply saturate with tomato paste. Early symptoms of chelsea special may include rank seepage and/or sprayage and stomach agony.

Dude, I feel a chelsea special approaching!

Chelsea is calling.

I have a feeling this chelsea special is going to be extra DIRT!

See dirty sanchez, kitkat, word, homes


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