
What is Chewedkandi?


Location of a madd hot board (fu.CK) with kick ass members :]

Joe: Isn't fu.CK the shit?

Bob: fu.CK yeah!


syn for fu.CK. A forum board that centers around the word fu.CK (spelled like that). A lot of fun but currently suspeneded.

"Hey Chris, been on chewedkandi lately?"


An amazingly great place where we can meet extraordinary friends at its boards. Lovely host whose butt can go numb at times will entertain you greatly!

chewedkandi rocks my socks!

See Jenna


chewedkandi = chewed candy

omgeez homiez i chewedkandi todai~*

See jan


an original site with an awesome owner

your site is really chewedkandi!

See Anne


To be amazingly cool and internet wise.

God, you are so ChewedKandi.

See K


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