Chicken Bone

What is Chicken Bone?


a drug native to Belize that is similar to marijuana, but whose side effects include inexplicable urges to watch WWE while spidermanning hoes.

Earl spent the night in the conference room smoking a chicken bone, performing nasty deeds with his lady friend.

See drugs, spiderman, hoe, wwe, chicken


The hollowed out thigh bone of the chicken. Used in the early 20th century in the southern U.S. for smoking the roach of a marijuana cigarette.

I learned this from an old San Francisco Jazz Disk Jockey back in the 60's.

Put that roach in the chicken bone and smoke it bro....

See roll up, joint, roach


A joint or marijuana cigarette.

All I have is a chicken bone because I used the last Philly.

See joint, rolling paper, smoke, marijuana, spliff


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