
What is Chilean?


1. Fastest and hardest to understand dialogue of Spanish. Only los Chilenos can manage to speak in such a way because they are skilled in such areas.

2. Chilean people are extraordinarily friendly, have morals, care about other people than themselves, respect people, respect the earth and it's nature. It is not hard to appreciate a Chilean. In looks Chileans usually look like Spaniards. We tend to be light skinned with dark hair and dark eyes, but there are many Chileans who have light hair as well. Chileans are known to be extremely attractive and are enveyed by other South American peoples.

3. The culture of the extraordinary Chilean people is one that can not be taught or read, but must be experienced.


1. Person:" So what are you?"

2. Chilean: " Chileno"

1. Person:" OMG, YOU ARE CHILEAN? WOW what an honor to meet you, that's hott!"


Extremely cool person coming from the country Chile.

"Wow, she's so Chilean."


A person from the Country Chile, which is located in south eastern part of South from chile!!!!!

The Chilean People R the BEST!! :)


I wish i was chilean.

I suck because im a feverishly pale white british queer.

See Rich


A person who comes from the South American country of Chile. The general attitude of the typical Chilean is very cold and unwelcoming of outsiders. Chileans are passive-agressive and have a serious superiority/inferiority complex as being the "best", "most-developed" nation in South America. Generally, most others in Latin America are friendly and generous. Not the Chilean, they have made an art out of gossiping and rudely staring at people. On paper, Chileans seem to be very nice, the reality that is a modern-day Chilean is far from that.

Non-Chilean: Says "thank you" to Chilean.

Chilean: Responds with a dirty look and tells non-Chilean to go screw himself.

See chilean, chileno, chilena, chile


1. a person from the country of chile, in spanish pronounced "chileno".

2. the men of this culture have tan skin, dark features and unusually large penises

"so you think matias can get that girl to go out with him?"

"no shit, he's chilean"


a person coming from chile

chile is the most important country in latinamerica

its awesome n when i went to chile was incredible

chileans are extremely funny,cordial,lovable,etc



jamie: where r u from?!

gustavo: oohh...i'm chilean

jamie:ooh thats awesome!

gustavo: yeah i know

gustavo: do ya wanna be my gf?

jamie:of course!

See chilean, chileno, chile, cool, intelligent, awesome


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