Ching Chong

What is Ching Chong?


The only to two phonetics composing the chinese language. Comparable to the 1 and 0 binary language system of a computer.



In binary: 100110

In chinese: ching chong chong ching ching chong

Hello. How are you doing today sir? It's a nice day outside. Wouldn't you agree?

Binary: 10

Chinese: ching chong

See ching chang chong, chinese penis, ching, chinese dick, ching chong bing bong, hmmmmmm


When some gayass chants some random 'chinese noises' like 'ching chang chong' to really piss off a Chinese person. Used by racist ppl, and just as often, little naive ignorant kids who think it's funny (who promptly get a beatdown).

In 2002, Shaq told a reporter (aired nationally), "Tell Yao Ming, ching chong yang wah ahs ho!!"

See chingchong, chink, gook, ching ching, yellow


A way to verbally insult someone who has Asian Heritage. Usually finished by saying "Wing Wong".

White/Black Person:"Yo Ching Chong, give me some rice you wing wong."

Asian Person:*insult in asian* or "Fuck You".

See jap, gook, yellow, asian


The only word arrogant non-Asians think all Asians say.

White Kid: Hey, what does ching chong mean?

Asian Kid: It means go fuck yourself.

See ching, chong, lols, fuckers


A racist dub for EVERYTHING an Asian person says.

.. And it's amazing how many people are so ignorant when defining 'ching chong'. Kind of amusing too, haha.

Asian: Hey, wanna go hang out tonight?

Non-Asian: What was that? I can see your mouth moving but all I hear is 'ching chong'...

See ching chong, chinese, racist, ignorant, asian


a aisan person

yo u seen that ching chong

See po, lock, ching, chong, pop


derogatory name for an Asian. Generally used by those who are jealous from Asians.

P1: Hey, check out ching chong over there.

P2: Yea he's real annoying

P1: He always gets the highest grade on tests in chemistry...

See asian, chingy, smart, chong, dumb


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