Chocolate Volcano

What is Chocolate Volcano?


This is for the ladies! When your man wants anal sex, but you're not feeling it...take a shit ton of ex-lax. When he you feel it start to work, engage in anal sex. As he's enjoying himself...let the shit erupt!

I really did the Chocolate Volcano one time, and my lover never wanted anal sex again...thank god!

See chocolate, volcano, eruption, anal sex, ex-lax


This is described as when you crap in a woman's mouth to fill it. Once filled the

cheeks are slapped on the sides to create

an expulsion of poo every where.

The Chocolate Volcano is only in theory and

has never been tried, not to my knowledge anyway.

See feces, fun, volcano, poo


when you give a girl a whole pack of ex-lax, and then fuck her asshole until she says she's about to shit, then you pull out, put her ass in the air and she erupts like a volcano.

billy was feeling kinky, so he gave his girlfriend the chocolate volcano.

See volcano, ex-lax


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