Chris Browned

What is Chris Browned?


To take your frustration out on a person, as in punch in the face, or slap..

My girlfriend started to make disrespectful comments toward me so I Chris Browned her. I bet she won't be talking no more..

HAHA that why your girlfriend just Chris Browned you...

See chris brown, slapped, hit, fight


To have hit one's girlfriend or wife.

"YO, Justin just Chris Browned his girlfriend!"

"Oh shit!"

See chris brown, rihanna, beating, girlfriend, singer, holla


In various forms ranging from a simple bitchslap to a straight up ass whoopin. Works in many forms in real life to sports to round of HALO, WoW or Continuum.

Originates from the Chris Brown-Rihanna domestic assault incident.

Computer> I just Chris Browned ZenaBee 10-2, ez

ZenaBee> comp yeah u killed me

ZenaBee> stop using chris brown


See pwned, pwn, beat down, dropped, clocked, bitch slapped, smacked, back hand


The act of assaulting your partner leaving either contusions, bite marks, or bruises.

Person 1: Yo, did you hear that Dani and Jake broke up?

Person 2: What? Who broke up with who?

Person 1: She did it. He totally Chris browned her.

See chrisbrowned


To excessively beat a bitch with no remorse.

"Damn tttina pissed me off last night and I Chris browned that bitch"

See hurt, punch, beat down, fuck up, kill, shoot


When a girl gets her ass beat by her boyfriend or husband for stepping out of line

Girl: Who the fuck is this bitch that keeps calling you?

Guy: BITCH u better get out my face with all that bullshit fore' u gets Chris Browned!

See slapped, checked, whooped


To get punched, biten, or slapped in the face repeatedly by someone you have had sex with.

Guy 1: Rihanna got the sh!t beat out of her!

Guy 2: Yeah man, she got Chris Browned !

See pwned, owned, beat up, defaced, bitch slapped


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