
What is Chrome?


a handgun

'keep chattin' at me and ill place my chrome to your dome, and nick your mobile fone!'


211 (high gravity), the 40 with 8.1% alc that really hits the spot, called chrome due to its silver label

Syler: yo wassup, what are we sipping today? chrome or bacardi?

Jay: forget the bacardi, nothing does it better than chrome

See 211, beer, fun, chrome


used in reference to firearms, wheels on a car, or the chemical process to make the parts of a motorcycle shiney.

He pulled out his chrome and took my bike. Damn, I just got it chromed too.


A web browsercreated by Google that has great potential to be the best browser out there.

Chrome isn't as good as Firefox, but it might be one day if not better.

Chrome is fast as hell! I can't wait till it has add-ons.

Internet Explorer sucks compared to Chrome. Actually, Internet Explorer sucks compared to anything.

See chrome, google, brower, internet, firefox, internet explorer, fast


A nickle plated, semi-automatic handgun. Typically a 9MM, but there are many variations.

Settin' shit straight, 9mm to the dome

Any nigga' wanna feel this chrome, bring his ass on.


To randomly leave a conversation without notification, as to go away from keyboard or leave the computer.

Man "Yeh I know, last night was fun"

*10 minutes later..*

Man "You chromed"

See afk, leave, brb, go away, left


Another name for 'cool' or 'awesome'

Spread around the Nashville area recently

"They had valet parking at their house party last night!"

"That's chrome, yo!"

See cool, awesome, dope, fresh, car


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