
What is Chulo?


Chulo in Mexican slang refers to someone who is cute, hot, good looking etc. It can be used to describe almost anyone and is not related to sexual attraction (though it can be.) If you hear it being used in Southern California by Chicanos, Mexican Americans, etc. they are NOT referring to a pimp.

Ay, que chula ("Oh, how cute!)

Papi chulo/Mami chula -term of endearment usually used to a partner (spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend) --NOTE it has nothing to do with your daddy or mommy!

See cute, good looking, hot, gorgeous, beauty


The word in Spanish directly translates to " pimp". In Spain the word means "cool". It is synonymous with bad ass" or "bad guy".

Wassup Chulo

See AC


Used mostly by Puerto Ricans, Mexicans, Cubans, Dominicans and other spanish speakers:

This word is mainly used to describe or address a man who is attractive. BUT it's also used to describe something that is cute, like someone's shoes or a baby.

"Adios, chulo!" Bye, handsome/ hottie/ cutie!

"Que chulos estan sus sandalias." Your sandals are so cute.

"Que nino mas chulo" what a cute kid

See papi chulo, chula, guapo


Literally "pimp" in Spanish or colloquially "cool," "bad-ass," or "bad guy."

Popularly used as a complimentary form of address.

See papichulo or mamichula.

"Whatup chulo?"

See Killer


Nice or good/nice looking or cute in Spanish.

Also a slang term used in Spain and other Spanish speaking countries to describe a man who prostitutes women. A pimp in English.

Estaba la puta con su chulo.

See chulo, nice, cute, good looking, pimp, player


Derogatory word meaning douche bag.

Gimme more borrito's you chulo!

I am the one time exclusive hotstepper demeaner, don't mess with me you chulo!!

Wow, look at all these TAMPONS, you dirty CHULO!!!

See chulo, dirt bag, j-lo, your mum, trumpets


Bad ass, Extra smart,

He is trying to be chulo

See chulo, smart, bad ass, guapo


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