Chunky Dunk

What is Chunky Dunk?


the act by overweight people of getting naked and going swimming or havin' a good time in the water. A derivative of "skinny dipping".

Rosie and her friend Oprah snuck into the public pool to go for a "chunky dunk" last night.

See skinny dip, skinny dipping, chunky, overweight


large and in charge people swimming without clothes on (preferably in the dark)

we don't skinny dip, we chunk dunk!

See nylorac


A term used to describe overweight people swimming naked.

That damn obese cow, you call your girlfriend, can't possibly skinny dip. That whore chunky dunks.


When someone of a rather large exterior (aka fat person) strips down (naked) and goes swimming (once again, naked). A variation of Skinny-Dipping, as when the same occurance takes place, but with skinny people (**cough**anorexia**cough**).

When Kelly Osbourne took a chunky dunk, my eyes burnt right out of their sockets.

See chunky dunk, naked, nude


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