
What is Cigarla?


A female meth smoker. A female that 'only' smokes meth.(minimal usage of snorting are excepted.) A female that inhales meth by using a pipe in which she obtains enough smoke to blow out a PHAT-ASS cloud...... and then wants MORE!

CIGARLA1: "you got anything?"

CIGARLA2:"I got a brand new pipe?"

CIGARLA3:"Look! I even brought a BIC, instead of the explodable SCRIPTO."

CIGARLA4:"WHAT?? You forgot the pipe?"

CIGARLA5:"fuck using foil"

CIGARLA6:"it's got a hole in it, so don't spill it."

CIGARLA7:"C'mon PASS that shit already!"

See 'gar, 'gar


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