Clark Kent

What is Clark Kent?


Used to be thought as Superman's alter ego, but recently it has be pushed that Superman is Clark Kent's alter ego and that Clark Kent is who Kal-el sees himself as. Clark Kent lives in Smallville Kansas, a farming town a few miles away from Metropolis. On the television show Smallville, it is said that Lex Luthor was a friend of Clark Kent for a short while. Clark Kent was adopted by John and Martha Kent, His Friends a teenager include, Pete Ross, Lana Lang, Chloe Sullivan, Lois Lane, The Flash, Aquaman, Cyborg, and Lex Luthor. As an adult he works for the Daily Planet newspaper in Metropolis.

It's mild manner reporter Clark Kent.

See clark, kent, superman, smallville, metropolis


Easy, he's superman!

Now introducing Daily Planet editor Clark Kent

See World Domination


When you see someone with their glasses off for the first time and they look like a different person.

Ben finally took off his shades and it was a total clark kent. Dude's fine.

See clark, kent, glasses, shades, sunglasses


Verb, to conceal an outfit or article of clothing under another, usually done when the concealed garment isn't appropriate to wear.

I'm Clark Kenting my green "Kiss me, I'm Shitfaced" t-shirt at work tomorrow because it's St. Patrick's Day.

See clark, kent, superman, shirt, hide


adj: Used to describe a nerd or nerd-like person who is muscular, really strong, or can fight really well(see diesel). Can also be used to describe business men who hit the gym way too much and like to wear shirts and ties so tight that you can see their muscle coming through. Taken from the obvious "Superman" movies, cartoons and series.

Bully #1: "Damn dude - what happened to your eye?"

Bully #2: "I tried to jack this nerd for his lunch money - i didn't realize he was such a clark kent."

See diesel, nerd, urkel, roid head, arnold


leaving without your clothes, in a hurry

my wifes boyfriend busted a clark kent when I came home early.

See i know, yey


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