What is Class A/b?
Electrical term, Class A/B Amplifier.
A class A/B amplifier is also called a psh/pull amp. Class A/B amplifiers have 2 amps, one to push the speaker out (+), the other to pull it in (-). In guitar amps that use tubes, this means that one tube, a driver tube inverts the signal polarity before it reaches the B side.
A class A amp pushes and pulls the speaker, and thus must do more work. Most commercial (in home) amps (stereo receivers, etc.) are class A amps. Class A/B is generally used in guitar amps over 30 watts, high powered Bass amps, and professional power
Class A/B is also called "Bridging" an amp (transistor amps generally).
"Fender Twins use 4 6L6s in a Class A/B circut to deliver 85 w RMS @ 4 ohms... In other words, they's pretty damn clean boss."