
What is Claustrophobia?


An abnormal fear of being in narrow or enclosed spaces.

he's afraid of being closed in closets

See mei


An intense, abnormal fear of small spaces.

I had a sudden attack of claustrophobia when I locked myself in the closet.


Fear of being in enclosed spaces. Not necessarily small spaces, although many claustrophobic people don't like these much either. The main issue is being trapped in somewhere you can't get out of easily. Claustrophobic people may avoid or feel uncomfortable in situations like flying in a plane, being in the middle of a crowd, or using an elevator.

Friend: Now we just take the elevator up to the ninety-seventh floor...oh, I forgot. You've got claustrophobia. Better take the stairs then *sigh*

Me: Actually, like many others with claustrophobia I still use elevators, because we don't let it control our entire lives.

See claustrophobic, hate, phobia


When you get very nervous because you are talking to some one of the opposite sex and they keep stepping forward and you keep stepping back until you are against a wall and have no escape.

Hot Sara "Hey john whats up?" (steps forward)

Lucky John "Not much, you?" (Steps Back into corner)

Hot Sara "Not much just bombed that test, how you do on it" (Steps Forward invades Lucky John's Bubble and He now has similar symptoms of Claustrophobia)

Lucky John "I did alright" (John Now has butterflies in his stomach and starts turning pale)

Hot Sara "Alright well i gotta go, See Ya" (leaves)

Lucky Jon "Later" (Breathes sigh of relief)

See close, nervous, sissy


An intense, abnormal fear of Santa.

Oh, God, no! It's Claus! RUN, HE HAS HIS ELVES WITH HIM!


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