
What is Clerks?


One of the best cult classic movies of the 1990s. Clerks was written and directed by Kevin Smith, and was released in late 1994.

In my opinion, Randal is the funniest character in Clerks.

Randal: Have you ever wondered how much the average jizz-mopper makes per hour?

Dante: What's a jizz-mopper?

Randal: He's the guy that cleans up the nudie booth after each guy jerks off.

See Qbert


A low budget movie that made its way into mainstreem popularity and untimately became a cult classic. Go out and watch this movie right now.


A very funny movie that had a very funny television cartoon based on it that unfortunately got cancelled.

GO buy the Clerks movie and the TV show DVD collection, both rock.

See Murdoc


the best fucking movie in the world,its about a store clerk that had a shitty day


tHis is byfar one of the best Kevin Smith movies.

U fucking tipped over that coffin.


either: the movie in which the comedy duo jay and silent bob were born,

or a sad depressed individual who hates his life and makes up for it by using what limited power he has to ruin other people's

as in : clerks is a kick-ass movie


" man that clerk at the counter is such a ass-cock muncher"


A very funny movie directed by Kevin Smith (silent bob).

DANTE: My girlfriend sucked 37 DICKS!!!!

RANDAL: In a ROW?! (classic clerks line)

Jay: fuckfuckfuckfuck motha motha FUCK! motha motha fuck fuck motha fuck motha fuck noinsh noinsh noinsh! shmokin weed shomkin wiz, doing drugs makin biz...(etc)

See funny, hilarious, cool, good


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