What is Cleveland Catch-and-release?


This task will require the following items: 1)experienced angler 2)one 4 ot worm hook 3)open-faced reel equipped with 40lb. test line 4)8 ft. surf rod 5)good ditch or hiding spot 6)oncoming traffic 7)minimum 6-8" length freshly squeezed turd. Preparation: with all components assembled for angling, hook turd at the head. Action: With rod in hand, squat out of sight and wait until you see a potential catch(vehicle). As it approaches at a minimum speed of 55 mph, come out of cover and heave-ho your stink-bait toward driver side window. Once it sticks, wait for tension on the line, hook and let it run with it. Once at end of spool, remember the fight and cut line.

While stopped at Highway 60 and Waverly I saw a sherrif get hit with the good old Cleveland Catch-and-release.

See cleveland, catch, release, fishing, angling


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