
What is Cloppera?


Popular television CLAM DRAMA: a type of SOAP OPERAwhich concentrates on the relationships and ambitions of female characters and their desire for increased CLOPPERTUNITY.

From "Everywoman's Library of Erotica" (edited by JackieBlumenthal):

As in SEX IN THE SUBURBS, which was fraught with pre-minstrel tensionand moist Scotch mist, where the ladies fantasized about an elusive Mr Big, in DESPERATE HORSEWIVES the prevailing theme of the cloppera is the problem of Wisteria Drive's neglected property, sagging American quilts and the search for a male French polisher who is aptly hung like a horse.

Each series is available in a family pack dvd from Clamazon.

See houghmagandie, percengenitation, chaucered


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