Closet Slut

What is Closet Slut?


When a girl acts innocent infront of others, but when she is alone with a boy, or her significant othershe acts slutty.

That girl pretends that shes never done anything, but everyone knows shes a closet slut.


a person who has sex with multiple people, but acts innocent, as if they are a virgin

that girl has sex with like 300 people, but she acts like an angel, she's a closet slut

See slut, sex, virgin, skank, innocent


A person.... usually female... that portrays innocence to the world but is screwing everything they can.... they usually live a double life.... hence the "closet" part of the slut....

Pastor,"My wife is so sweet....."

Altar boy, "Yeah, that closet slut rides dick like a pro!!!"

See slut, whore, hoe, ho, tramp


you think shes a really good girl maybe even a virgin, she sometimes wears low cut tops but shes usually covered but once you get her into bed after a couple times, your fucked literally and figuratively

I happen to be a closet slut

See slut, virgin, fucked, tease, love


Person who has sex a lot with many different people and just lays there.

Can usally get the person in your room buy typing "Want to watch a movie ;)"

"Want to watch a movie ;)"

She says, "I'll be over in a minute!!"


one who has sex secretly because they are secretly gay and either 1)dating an openly gay guy or 2) dating another closet slut

he always hangs out with that boy, its almost like hes a closet slut....

See scott


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