
What is Clue-by-four?


A clue-by-four is a term used when someone is irritatingly clueless in a detrimental way and not only needs to be corrected, but needs to be chastised at the same time.

Someone needs to hit that stupid hacker script-kiddie with a clue-by-four before he gets us all in trouble.


A device that is commonly used to give someone a clue. Named as such for its appearance, which is oddly similar to a two-by-four.

That little idiot got my machine infected with a load of spyware, so I whacked him with a clue-by-four.


(Slang)An uncommon American noun used usually (but not exclusively) by right-wing weblog addicts.

An imaginary ideological (or actual) 'stick' with which we beat someone with whom we disagree.

1. "Listen son, those foreigners need a newkillerclue-by-four from Uncle Sam"

2. "Any assclown tinfoilhat-wearing traitorthat doesn't believe in God will get a big clue-by-four when they get bombed to Hell"


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