Cock Monger

What is Cock Monger?


One who savors the taste of cock

That girl is such a cock monger.


one who incredibley desires a dick insertion of either their coot bag or their corn bomber

wow that slizzo janey is such a cock monger

See slut, skeeze, skeeter, dani


Derived from the Afro-Saxon made, Cock. And the latin Mahnger. A Cock Monger is one who has an unquenchable thirst for Cock.

Jessica Alba is such a Cock Monger.

See cock addict, slut, whore, cock sucker, jessica alba


1. One who solicits the cock.

2. One who appears to solicit the cock.

Kevin is such a cock monger for making that definition.


One who mongs the cock

Refer to Monger.

That girl over there is a huge cock monger.

See cock, mongs, monger, cock-monger, cockmonger


A really poor whore who will perform sexual acts for money

That cock monger will do anything for five dollars

See fish monger, whore, trick, huckster, solicitor


Some one who is obsessed with mens cocks mostly used to describe gay ass men.

Jack: whats up fag

Gerard: Shut up cock monger!

See insult, funny, ass, douche, cock


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