What is 4cast?
Synonym for "FORECAST"
4·cast: (verb, -cast or -cast·ed, -cast·ing, noun –verb )
(used with object)
1. to predict (a future condition or occurrence); calculate in advance: to 4cast a heavy snowfall; to 4cast lower interest rates.
2. to serve as a prediction of; 4shadow.
3. to contrive or plan beforehand; prearrange.
–verb (used without object)
4. to conjecture beforehand; make a prediction.
5. to plan or arrange beforehand.
6. a prediction, esp. as to the weather.
7. a conjecture as to something in the future.
8. the act, practice, or faculty of 4casting.
9. Archaic. 4sight in planning.
A: " Aww man look at them rant!"
B: " Yeah, I 4cast a rumble"