Cock Smore

What is Cock Smore?


Created by Jeffrey Dahmer in Milwaukee, WI while he was working at the chocolate factory.... Sliced up cock.. Ambrosia chocolate.. graham crackers.. The term was recently made popular in the Milwaukee area by the CSC (Cocksmore Crew). The term cocksmore is used by the CSC to define ignorant people!

Cock smore: Man my ex husband is a flippin cocksmore!!!!!

See cock, smore, milwaukee, asshole, jerk


A sexual act in which a man's gentals are smothered in jet-puffed marshmallow topping, chocolate syrup, and gently wedged between two halves of a graham cracker. This act has been slow in gaining popularity because performing it often involves biting.

Baby, i'm tired of your guacamole blowjobs. Will you give me a cock smore?

See cock, dick, smore, s'more, marshmallow, guacamole


After giving a girl an Egon Special you quickly stick your dick in her ass and then make her lick off your shit/marshmallow/cum covered cock

"nobody likes a cock smore"

See smore, cock, sex, anal, oral, marshmallow


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