
What is Cocksnap?


A term used by immature individuals hoping to gain notoriety at someone else's expense. Most commonly used among elite members of a community who are often looked up to

by the people they mercilessly mock.

Example 1: "The fact that 'Cocksnap' has a name but nobody uses it is disturbing."

Example 2: "So-and-so asked 'cocksnap' to enter a contest just so they could make fun."

Example 3: "Somebody made a myspace page to make fun of 'cocksnap'".

Example 4: "That long-running joke about 'cocksnap' is tainting the scene."

Examples 5: "People who call her 'cocksnap' are cowards hiding behind their social clique."

Example 6: "Nothing 'cocksnap' does justifies the extreme cruelty exhibited by the clique."

See dance, dancing, pathetic


Scientific term: The tearing of the erectile tissue in the penis. This may rupture the vas deferens, thus causing impotence and infertility.

Most commonly used as an insult to those who are iritating f**ks!

1."F**k off Adam you cocksnap!"

2."Adam, if you don't stop being an arrogant knob, I'll give you a cocksnap!"


A term used by immature individuals hoping to gain notoriety at someone else's expense. Most commonly used among elite members of a community who are often looked up to

by the people they mercilessly mock.

Example 1: "The fact that 'Cocksnap' has a name but nobody uses it is disturbing."

Example 2: "So-and-so asked 'cocksnap' to enter a contest just so they could make fun."

Example 3: "Somebody also made a myspace page to make fun of 'cocksnap'".

Example 4: "That long-running joke about 'cocksnap' is tainting the scene."

Examples 5: "People who call her 'cocksnap' are cowards hiding behind their social clique."

Example 6: "Nothing 'cocksnap' does justifies the extreme cruelty exhibited by the clique."

See dance, dancing, pathetic


- noun (partner dance)

1. a dance step which involves the simultaneous snapping of one's fingers and cocking of one's head to the side; often accompanied by awkward straight-legged kicking.

2. one frequently performs the cocksnap while dancing with a mortified partner.

- verb (partner dance)


1. to execute such movements while dancing: "The woman cocksnapped arhythmically throughout the dance.


2. to terrorize male dancers by lurking in the shadows of a dance hall and suddenly springing upon them and devouring a portion of their souls: Oh man, thats the second time tonight that poor Peter has gotten cocksnapped!


Cocksnap is a 21st century mythological figure typically associated with the vernacular dancing cultures of American Pacific Northwest region. Not unlike the 'Boogie man' or Erkoenig, in British and German lore respectively, the Cocksnap causes those with whom it dances to lose their will to live. Supposedly the Cocksnap's name comes from a head movement typically done by the creature while snapping its fingers which, when performed repeatedly, causes her expecting victims unfathomable suffering, leaving them, in the end, empty shells of the men they once were. Cocksnaps are typically female, but may occasionally be male. (see Male Cocksnap)

See dance, dancing, menopause, lurking


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