Coffee Filter

What is Coffee Filter?


A female version of tea-bagging. Can be done to both genders.

Cameron Coffee Filtered Taylor and they laughed. Thats funny.

See tea bagging, vagina, girl, boy, head, oral sex


The act of taking a permeable pillow case, eating Mexican, shitting wet in the pillow case, then smacking someone in the face with it.

I heard that Hillel gave my girlfriend an Abe Lincoln, so to pay him back in full I gave the jewtard a coffee filter and curbed him.


The african american teabag

Ron Artest coffee filtered that careless NBA fan really bad, nigger.


The act of sucking a womans menstrual flow through her panties.

Gregor coffee filtered his girlfriend before removing her panties and dining at the Y.

See menstrual, flow, period, coffee, filter


Used to keep coffee crystals from falling into the coffee pot as it is being brewed.

After one grinds up coffee beans, he may place them in a coffee filter and place it in the coffee machine then fill it with water and turn it on and wait for it to brew. Alternatively, he could pour the methamphetamine mixture and let the filter catch the crystals, scrape them out and sell them, then add the coffee to the filter and have the kickest ass fucking pot of coffee ever brewed.


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